In a strategy development or evaluation process, a SWOT analysis, which identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, is a central component. However, its practical application in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often appears limited. While initiating a SWOT analysis can effectively spark discussions about your travel company's opportunities and strategies. An in-depth analysis might not be essential for smaller companies.

Conducting a brief, annual SWOT session lasting about half an hour can be beneficial. This approach avoids the need for extensive research into every possible trend and threat. Typically, if you are passionate about your work and stay informed about your industry, you're likely already familiar with these elements. The critical question is: What will you do with this information?

Use it in outlining your future planning by quickly documenting how to exploit your strengths, and use them to tap into the opportunities that you defined for your upcoming planning period, and have a brief reflection on how to reduce the impact of your weaknesses and possible threats you see.

The results of your SWOT analysis can guide you to :

  • Develop new products
  • Improve your brand
  • Improve your content
  • Actions to become more efficient
  • Get new team members
  • Streamline processes

How to conduct a SWOT analysis for a travel company:


Identify where your travel company excels and what you enjoy doing. Often, especially in smaller companies, strengths align with the owner's interests.


New technologies that can help your travel company, upcoming experiences and trends that fit your strengths, big events happening in your destinations.


Are there any weaknesses that could hinder your operations, such as limited capital or resources?


Consider risks like no fluctuating demand, rising costs, challenges in retaining competent staff (notably, the more capable and opportunistic employees are often the first to seek other opportunities, leaving you with less effective staff), popularity of destination is decreasing.

Above all keep it practical, use common sense, and put most energy on your strengths when creating your marketing plan